right now

My blog posts have been a bit spotty lately, because…

right now, summer quite suddenly arrived, and I’ve been so busy living my life that I find it hard to stop and blog about it.  That and, in an effort to “unplug” and be more present with our children, we relocated the computer to a less convenient part of the house.  So basically it’s harder for me to sneak away and waste a few minutes (hours) on the internet.  Which means I’ve not been posting, or keeping up with blog reading, not leaving very many comments, taking my sweet time replying to emails.

Instead, what I have been doing is: playing in the mud hole; eating lots of rhubarb and asparagus; (some much-needed) cleaning, organizing, and de-cluttering; hanging laundry on the line; celebrating in the park with music and good friends; finally reading some fiction again; trying to sneak in a few minutes of sewing time here and there; leaving the dirty dinner dishes on the table in our rush to get back outside.

All too often I find myself inhabiting the lands of Someday and Might-Have-Been.  Right Now is an exercise I try to practice here every Tuesday, an attempt to let go of anything that is holding me back from paying attention to the beauty and wonder in the life I’m living right now.  Feel free to join in with a comment or a link to your own post!

5 thoughts on “right now

  1. i envy your ability to play in the yard with your girls! our actual yard is just weeds and has been take over by the dog (poop), and the outdoors surrounding our house is so mosquitoy that it’s often more convenient just to go to the park. but then you have all the people… and traffic… and the hot, hot, hot and humid st. louis weather! i miss south dakota. i say that a lot when i read your posts. 🙂

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