
Adeline is three.

Eating the Birthday PB&J.

She’s wanted chopsticks ever since we read Rosemary Wells’s Yoko.  She’s also been asking for sushi.  We were going to make candy sushi (the ingredients for the real stuff being scarce in this small town near the very middle of the continent, as we are) but for reasons I won’t go into, candy sushi was not made.

She did, however, get chopsticks.  (And face painting crayons.)

Here she is blowing out the candles on her birthday ice cream.  Um, yeah, there was no cake either.  No sushi, no cake … what with preparing our first Thanksgiving meal at home, putting up Christmas decorations (which required rearranging all the living room furniture), and attending a performance of The Nutcracker, time kind of slipped away from me.

Fortunately, she loves ice cream just as much as cake.  Thank goodness!  I’m pretty sure this is the last year she’ll let me get away with not making a cake.  She also insisted on re-lighting the candles three times so she could blow them out.


13 thoughts on “three

  1. Happy birthday Adeline 🙂 Oh to be three again *grin*. Doesn’t look like she minded one bit that there was icecream for birthday cake either 🙂 Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend to. I’m off to check out those chopsticks! I’ve been looking for some for my children and those are exactly what I want 🙂

  2. Happy Birthday Adeline, hope you had a wonderful day! looks like a pretty laid back Birthday after such a busy holiday. I cannot believe how fast our little ones are growing up (somedays I don’t think it is fast enough!) I love how little Bea is in the background of the first pic, just playing in her bouncy chair, those things are the best!

  3. Happy 3rd Birthday, Adeline! I love these pictures. She’s so cute with her finger nails painted and all–(I waited until ME turned 3 to paint her nails–it tests my patience to no end because she’ll never stay still enought to let them dry!) I love those chopsticks, too. How fun. She wore her crown! 🙂

  4. What a busy and fun time! Happy Birth Day to you and your beautiful daughter! Candy sushi sounds like an awesome idea. This is one I may have to borrow. 😉 Peace, Angela

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